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Poverty in England

An honest look at much of the rest of the world means that the word 'poverty' should not be used of much in our country. But here's part of an article from the 'Church Urban Fund' website:
Poverty is a very real phenomenon in England. Around 13 million people, including 3.5 million children, are estimated to be living in poverty.

Yet poverty is not just about income. It is a complex experience that impacts every aspect of people’s lives. At Church Urban Fund, we group the different aspects of poverty into three categories:

Book Review: 'Mountains and Molehills'

Available on the bookshelf at the barn.

This is an autobiographical account of a pair of missionaries (Bill and Mollie Tett) who take the gospel to un-reached parts of Africa in the 1920s-1960s.

They were part of the SUM (Sudan United Mission). This was set up in 1904 with the aim of planting a chain of gospel churches across the African continent, running from Nigeria to Cameroon to Chad to Sudan. Bill and Mollie started their work in Sudan and moved Westwards, taking the gospel to the unreached mountainous tribes of central Africa. They finished in Jos, Nigeria.