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‘Let them come to me!’

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

In Luke 18v16, People are bringing babies to Jesus. But his disciples stop them. 'He's too busy for you! He's got more important people to deal with!' So Jesus gives his disciples a rocket. He tells them they've totally misunderstood everything he stands for. What a bunch of idiots!

But do we do the same?

Reasons (people don't go to church)

I wish we'd thought of making this video!

Some of it only applies to America - but it could almost have been made for Wellfield.

What do you think are the main reasons people don't come?

Thumbs up from St Andrew's

It's four-and-a-half years since we started Wellfield Church. Today I was looking through some notes of meetings we had before it started - wow, what a long way we've come!

You know the story: St Andrew's church (pictured here with two giants) started Wellfield in order to better reach the many people of Leyland who would never come to the established church building. Starting a new congregation in this way was a totally new venture. So we agreed to try something - not being completely sure what would work. And we would review it after five years to assess how it's going. Well, guess what? That review process has been taking place over the last few weeks. What has been said?